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The often forgotten refrigerator air filter

When we come back from a holiday and open the fridge for a snack, we sometimes smell something that has passed its shelf life. The smell lingers and quickly eliminates appetite. Fortunately, it's easy to prevent odors and even bacteria from growing.

Just properly maintain your refrigerator air filter! By regularly changing the refrigerator air filter, you can ensure that the freshest and healthiest food is available to you and your family.

In this article, we will focus on all the knowledge you need to maintain a refrigerator air filter. Read on to learn about refrigerator air filter tips to keep your family's food safe!

What does the refrigerator air filter do?

A refrigerator air filter is a small flat filter consisting of several layers of fabric. Between layers, they usually have activated carbon, an effective deodorant.

The refrigerator air filter is installed in the air passage between the compartments of the refrigerator to clean all air entering the refrigerator. They also clean the circulating air throughout the refrigerator.

The air filter eliminates odors and ensures that only fresh, disinfected air passes around the refrigerator and above the food. This ensures that your fruits and vegetables remain crisp and clean for longer. At the same time, by properly maintaining the refrigerator air filter, you can take steps to prevent the formation of most bacterial colonies in the refrigerator.

Energy efficiency

If you ignore the refrigerator air filter, it may be blocked by particulate matter. Not only is this unhealthy, but it can also lead to higher electricity bills.

When the air filter is hit, the machine must work harder to draw in and circulate air. The harder a machine works, the more energy it consumes and the more heat it emits. Reduce energy costs by keeping the refrigerator running smoothly.

Replace the air filter

Proper maintenance and maintenance can improve the efficiency of air filters and refrigerators. Replacing the refrigerator air filter is easy. The process can be done in a minute or two!

Look for your air filter

Not all refrigerators have air filters. The more modern your machine is, the more likely it is to be equipped with an air filter.

If you are not sure where the air filters are located, refer to the user manual or check the interior and they are easy to spot! Look for a raised compartment on the refrigerator wall. Typically, they are located high on the back wall.

When do I buy a refrigerator air filter?

It is recommended that you replace the refrigerator air filter on average every six months. You can also check the user manual for specific instructions for replacing the refrigerator air filter. Fortunately, these six months of rhythm are also the recommended time to replace the refrigerator filter, so it's easy to remember to replace them at the same time.

How to replace the filter

Your user manual usually lists the air filter product number. If you do not have a manual, the model number is usually located on the filter box. If you find the number, simply look for a replacement filter on the

If you can't find your product number, you can search for filters by brand and refrigerator model. If the filter does not fit on your machine, the discount filter also offers a free return.

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